Thursday, September 04, 2008


Some ladies at church have organized a play group that I take Kai to once a week. We meet at different parks and Kai really enjoys it. Yesterday at play group a Mom came who has never come before and she brought her little boy. I know her little boy from going to nursery with Kai at church... let's just say I'm not a fan. So when the kid is around Kai I am always within about a two feet radius. So much so the little boy asked me why are you around? Let me tell you why I am around, this little boy does not like Kai!! He is clearly older than Kai. In fact Kai is the youngest in nursery and probably the most social. He has no problems going up to kids and speaking his own language. Kai doesn't seem to mind when kids don't understand his language, he's even pretty fine with kids taking his toys from him (his Mom however is NOT cool with that).

But I'm digressing.... this little boy is mean to Kai. He tries to push him and gets in his face and tells him to go away. He will instantly go take whatever Kai is playing with it and dis guard it for whatever new toy Kai has found. Kai doesn't know what go away means, so I don't think any of this really bothers Kai. But it bothers me!!! And to top it all off the mother doesn't even pay attention as her son is scowling and my son and demanding he go away. This little boy is a bully and it makes me uncomfortable to leave Kai in nursery too. The nursery leaders seem too busy socializing and are oblivious to most things going on. Any suggestions on what I should? Any anti bully advice?


Anonymous said...

Here's some advise; make it 10 feet instead of 2 feet, sit back and watch how amazing Kai is. It sounds like he already has a "master" plan, just let it play out and I'll bet you see Kai, in the end, comes out on top. Even if he doesn't, great growing experience for both of you. If that bit doesn't work for you....march right up and slap the scowl right off that bullys face!

JayandCassandra said...

See now I know that Kai will have to deal with the kids that aren't always the greatest his whole life. And mommy won't always be right there. But sheesh!! Saying it and going through it has been two different things for me!!!

Anonymous said...

I'd smack that bully kid in the mouth! Then when his mother comes over to protest, I'd give her the same medicine. Nothing clears a room like elbows and uppercuts.

Shanae said...

I have been on both sides of this one. Horrified that someone would hurt my little Chase and then mortified when my sweet little Chase grew out of that stage and into the bully one (although, I feel that I can say I didn't just let him do it and at that point I was the one within a 2 foot radius) Unfortunately, I would mostly say if it's not bugging him yet, TRY not to let it bother you. There are so many battles to fight for your kids that it may be best to just choose the battles that matter to them. Good luck- he is such a sweetie.
PS IF I did look good in the hospital picture, it's because FINALLY I was out of pain and on drugs. Thanks though...

Andrew and Meghan said...

Poor Kai - more like poor momma having to watch Kai learn to defend himself. Not easy! I always used to say I'd just kick the bully in the crotch........HAHAHA - maybe that would work for Kai...LOL.

Crystal said...

Hey Cass...How are you? I've been so bad a the blog thing latley...So, my little Riley is kinda a least as much as a 19 month old can be? He steals toys and pushes quite often...So, I might be on the other side of the specturm although I do think that is my oppurtunity to teach was is nice and naughty...sounds like this mom might be missing that part...Good Luck..loves