Thursday, April 03, 2008

Let's Go Outside

Most people who are around me know that I am always reading about what is the best things for raising a kid. There are so many fads of the best way to do it you would think I would get tired of reading some new idea every day. But I don't. A little while ago I read a little blurp in a parenting magazine about making sure you take your child outside to play at least once a day. It's suppose to be good for their creativity and helps them to enjoy their enviroment. So I started doing it and this has to be one of Kai's favorite parts of the day. He just LOVES to play in the dirt, make blocks from bricks, or just check out the things around him. He's just so dang cute while doing it I thought I would share some photos.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Little Man, too cute.
I'll have to pull out some baby pics of Uncle Len,I think there's a resemblence in these pics.

sanaejames photography said...

He is adorable!