Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Dog as a Nanny?

To be honest I never understood how a dog for a nanny made any sense in Peter Pan. To me the movie always represented the 'real' world colliding with the world in a child's imagination. And the dog as a nanny made no sense as part of the real world. So it just never fit to me. I always thought.... how absurd!

But then I got my first family dog...... Gus. And wouldn't ya know it, he's the perfect nanny! LOL Kai and Gus entertain eachother all day long. Gus follows Kai around making sure he knows what is up. Gus has to know where Kai is at all times. At the end of the night when I say it's bath time, Gus will lead Kai back to the bathroom! They are just too cute!! So I guess a dog as a nanny isn't THAT absurd!! ha ha


Kee said...

What a great bond those two have! It has been fun to see them "grow up" together. I think that Gus is winning the size race though! :-)

Anonymous said...

Lucky he's not doing the laundry and cooking,(he's not, right ?) you'd have to put him on the payroll ! Mom