Monday, March 10, 2008

On the Move.....

Now that we are facing facts and realize that we'll be in Montana for a few more years, we felt that our current living situation was not working. It was over priced for being so small! So after a few months of hunting we've found a spot that is bigger and cheaper. So we've begun packing up and moving. Kai loves to UNpack!!! LOL Not very much helpful! But he has also discovered how fun it can be to explore empty spaces.


austinamasandra said...

I tried to call you twice on monday cause Jay told me you were sick...hope you're feeling better. I AM so happy for you, I hope you're still in the ward boundaries. Let me know if you need help & I'm still waiting to watch Kay so you guys can go to the temple.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to chase him around !
Grandma M

i'm erin. said...

more and more pictures please, I love seeing where you live. Remember your tiny place in Hi?

Crystal said...

So easily entertained...I Love it !!!