Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Gems of Wisdom

I have a group of online girls that I chat with and reccently we were discussing helpful tips. Thought I would share some.

*If you put your saran wrap in the freezer, it is much more managable and doesn't clump up the second you try to use it!
*WD40 takes crayon off
*Clear nail polish on a cracked windshield will stop the crack from spreading
*Hydrogen Peroxide helps remove blood stains
*When cleaning windows or mirrors with windex, use a coffee filter instead of a paper towel to help reduce streaks
*Put a scented dryer sheet in the bottom of a wastebasket/garbage can to help eliminate odors
*Put i tiny bit of water in the bottom of the candle holder and you wont have to fuss getting the melted wax out
*If you don't do the water trick - put the candle holder in the freezer for a day - the wax pretty much pops right out
*Bay leaves will help keep bugs out of your pantry
*Most recipes that use tomato paste call for only a tablespoon. What do you do with the rest of the can? Divide it into one tablespoon amounts (in an ice cube tray or on a plate) Freeze it, then putt the lumps in a zippered bag and store them in the freezer. Next time you need a tablespoon of tomato paste, you take exactly that much out of the freezer.
*When frying things like chicken cutlets or I guess anything (esp. fish), put out a bowl with white vinegar on the stove (or close to it) - for some reason it absorbs that fry smell
*Ya know those embarrassing deodarant marks on that perfect black shirt (or any color for that matter) - just grab a pair of stockings and rub it right off
*Rinse your hair with club soda if it is turning green from chlorine
*If you peel and take apart the whole garlic clove, put it in olive oil and keep in the fridge, it lasts longer/fresher
*If you use blocks of cheese wrap them in tin foil then refigerate.... last longer

If you have any not listed.... please share!!

1 comment:

i'm erin. said...

wow...I didn't know any of those things! I am definitely going to try the cheese thing because we are always getting a block of moldy cheese..yuck!