Monday, January 14, 2008

Tornado Kai

Okay so either Kai's energy is multiplying by the second or mine is draining by the second. Knowing my luck, it's both. Great. So our home constantly looks like a bomb went off as of late. I spend all day cleaning up and you would never know. Kai's new favorite past times; pulling clothes out of drawers, throwing diapers across the room, emptying the bookshelf, spreading all toys as far across the apartment as possible.... he sure is a happy boy! Life is great to him!! Mom is exhausted, but Kai is just so happy! Which is very good. He still thinks Gus is the greatest toy ever. I got a great video of Gus and him playing... I'll have Jay load it up next time he has a spare moment (don't hold your breath).

Kai also seems to be done with baby food. He won't eat much but if I give him my food.... he eats TONS!!! LOL As long as he's eating, that skinny little kid! He loves almost all food, not a fan of banana's.

Just a few updates I thought I would share!

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