Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Picasso in Training

I wanted to do a fun activity with Kai for his birthday. So I found a recipe to make non-toxic finger paints and let him loose!!! He loved it!!!

This is Mom with Kai showing him how fun it is to get messy!

This is Kai's little friend Emma Harrison.... isn't she a cutie??

Yup.... my kid is a Picasso in training!!!

There's always time to stop for a pose!!

Time for clean up!

Here's the recipe for the finger paint in case anyone else is as daring!!
Stir together 1 Cup cold water with 1/4 cup corn starch in a saucepan. Whisk over low heat for five minutes or until it thickens and clears. Whisk in 1 tablespoon light corn syrup. Separate into dishes and then add non-toxic tempera paint to each dish. Let cool on the counter.

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