Monday, November 17, 2008

Cuddle Bug

Kai is such a lovey dovey guy. I find myself thinking it's because his Mom is so affectionate. Kai often times grabs my face with both hands to plant a big wet one on me, it always makes me laugh so of course he'll do it again to make me laugh more! I wonder though.... is it nature or nurture? For those of you who have more than one kids... all kids are different... so even if I'm all affectionate with the next kid they could detest it right?? LOL

1 comment:

sanaejames photography said...

that is so cute! But I do have to say, all three of my kiddos are all different. Great in their own way, but different. Kailee is the very sympathetic sensitive one. Brooke totally not, but she is our funny goofy daughter, and we can't really tell what Jolie will be like yet, but she seems to know how to get her way so we'll see how things go. We feel like we've parented them all the same, but they all come out different! Have fun with little Kai is ADORABLE! Enjoy these moments while they last. cuz someday they will be too embarassed to have mommy and daddy around, right? dreading the teenage years...